This time, for 2017's Annual Report which was presented today, I noticed something new and significant which no one of us especially the minority shareholders do not know.
As some would know, West Coast Expressway has 3 forms of funding i.e. Government Support Loan, Commercial Loan and equity injection. That would be in the quantum as above i.e. RM2.4 billion (GSL), RM2.5 billion (commercial loan) and RM1.2 billion (equity).
While WCE has managed to secure the loans from the government earlier on in 2014 and all the debt financing by 2015, one of the component which it was supposed to raise is the equity portion.
It is also to be noted that the Redeemable Unsecured Murabahah Loan Stocks (RUMS) is issued for RM990 million and it appears that the profit rate is 10% - quite high for my liking. This is a 40 year instrument. (If I am not wrong, it could potentially for tax reasons, it is structured this way.)
Also, would like to highlight that none of this instruments was mentioned either in the press or the AGM (which was held late August 2016) although the issuance was done on 12 Jul 2016.
Note: A reader below has highlighted that the loan stocks is issued by WCEHB to WCE Holdings. Hence, the equity issuance is still needed.
Hi, I believe the RUMS is issued to WCE (80% stake) and other minority shareholders(20%). Meaning issue to the parent company and MI. Hence, it may continue to raise funds. Check other non current assets. Also read the note 34 if I am not wrong.
By the way, can I have the link for the last image? Thanks.
Thanks for that. I overlooked. This is what this blog is for...
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