
You can teach yourself about finance but you can't teach yourself about business. It is acquired through time and willingness to learn and experience. If anyone says stocks is about finance alone, then it should be easy. Investments is not about finance alone but the business side is just as important. Finance by training and experience, what I love is what you see in my blog. I generally spend too much time on stocks and thinking about businesses, that it really tortures me mentally sometimes.

I spend a lot of my time reading books and watching programs on businesses and investments. Hence, this is becoming natural for me as I have always liked to know how businesses succeed. I consider myself not stopping there as I believe sound business decisions are important for companies with controlled financial management.

Some would ask whether I am qualified enough to write on this. I think I do. Well, you can judge me by my reasoning and writing.

I like investments the most as readers would be able to note. On investments, I have patience into looking at financial numbers and reports. I would like to present my analysis a little different from what the full time analysts present them as they obviously have some restrictions while I have less being an investor. Basically, I can almost say what I want.

My blog is about value investing with strong, well managed businesses as preference. Of course, it would be lovely to discover unpolished gems in the market but this is obviously very hard. One would note that I do not really tried very hard to look for gem but companies with consistent performance and return. In most cases, it is much easier to look out for good, steady businesses which will continue to provide value for investors and my blog is much more about that than looking for "the one needle among the haystacks".

I would not want to attempt on any of the stock if I am partially convinced. Why? To me, if the business is still good but I do not believe in it, the chances of it being part of my portfolio will be slim.

Besides Bursa, I personally spend a fair bit of time in US (NYSE and NASDAQ) and London Stocks last few years - especially since the crisis started, as I believe in market diversification much more than portfolio diversification. I hope that this blog can be a platform for discussions as well, as I have to admit many things can be new for me.

Lastly, I feel that financial education is very important and this blog is not going to be purely stocks per se.


Caprio said...

Hi, bumped into your blog in random. Love the way you analyze a stock, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Hope to learn more from reading your blog.

Just wondering, what kind of profession you are in? I am actually curious how do you learn those financial analysis skills, are you are trained accountant or a banker?

All the best for your children college's fund. You are on the right track!

felicity said...

Thanks Caprio

I have been all of the above throughout my career. Guess those were very good experiences and exercises for me.


Tabula Rasa said...


Found your blog whilst looking for a serious investment blog in Malaysia.

You mentioned you have been looking at some LSE listed shares recently. If you are into small cap, there is a very good blog written by Paul Scott at:


He is ex-big four accountant, worked as a FD for a few years in a clothing company and also an experienced private investor.

His investing style is value with an emphasis of meeting management in order to understand the business as well as the people running it. A no nonsense but shrewd investor!

solhi musa said...

Nice writing! keep it up. Uh-oh and could you make a follow up on your writing regarding iCap? Would love to hear your testament! Cheers :)

tan said...

Hi felicity,

i'm your blog follower.
One quick question, for ekovest's duke1&2 and SPE highway project, who will bear the construction cost for all these highway project? Ekovest itself or the government. Hope you can clarify this.


felicity said...

Hi BoonYang

Definitely the costs of the construction will be borne by Ekovest as it is building the highway and collecting tolls after the completion.

tan said...

thnks for clarification.
How come they still put all these construction order as external order as reported, shouldnt it be their internal order since the gonna build and own the highway until concession end?

felicity said...

It is the accounting principles for concession business where the project accounting and concession period is separated.