Saturday, January 3, 2015

Further bought Insas

I further bought Insas at RM0.805 for 12,000 units.

My take on Insas are here and here.


GL said...

Happy morning Felicity..... Any thoughts about Wellcall in this current market conditions?...thx

felicity said...

It is a good company with good progress. Good short term play due to the strong US currency.

The special one said...

Hi Felicity, just notice from today announcement the entitlement date for right issue of RPS. Will there be any price adjustment on the mother share after ex assuming mother share price stay at current 0.86 level? Since the right is set at RM1 on 1 for 5 basis..which is way above the current mother share price. Apprciate ur advise..tks

felicity said...

Hi Special One

I am not so sure actually. Perhaps not as there is no rights for ordinary share.

The special one said...

Thanks Felicity.

谭振聪 said...

Feli, I follow ur boat at .79

take care ma ar when u wn to sell it

Unknown said...

Ya. Must take care of everyone.