Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Americans are masters at dramatizing issues

Firstly, the term "Fiscal Cliff" is not a Cliff is a slowdown, and to leave it to the very last hours or leaving it until 1 January to pass the deal (by both Senate and House) knowingly the market will only reopen on 2 January is actually I thing pre-planned so that it sounds dramatic.

By the way, here is a video I like which explains the fiscal cliff pretty well. You should subscribe for APM marketplace - funny and he (Paddy) is quite good at simplifying complex financial issues. Those who would like to understand financial issues happening around the world should watch his videos.

We will see a big jump in today's US market which is good ....about time. There have been too much drama. Remember the big sell on banks like there's no hope anymore for US banks. Remember Warren Buffett calling on Bank of America with the idea while having his bath. Who is laughing to the bank now?

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