This afternoon while driving I was listening to one of the Malaysian business radio channel. - well I like the channel actually. Anyway, the interviewer was asking the Ambassador representing EU in negotiating the free trade agreement with Malaysia, what he sees the results of the upcoming General Election would do to the negotiation. Well, the Ambassador answered that whoever leads the country, he would still continue negotiating as he does not see the reason not to. Precisely.
This should be a non-question. To the Europeans, they have been used to changing of government occasionally. You do not see them panicking.
The thing about it is this - Malaysians either in business, stocks, err anything have been talking about the General Election for 5 years now. We have been trying to speculate and worry over what what will the GE do to Malaysian businesses, stocks etc. Stop doing that. So far, I have not heard of any parties - BN or Pakatan being negative on business. They are all pro-business in their pitch. Whether they really managed to do it is another matter but the policies have been pro-business and an open economy.
We have been trying to think too hard on the GE until sometimes we are not doing what we suppose to do. It does not matter and we should be following Thailand as an example - no matter whether it is tsunami, massive flood that staled its economy for months or even when the economy was decapitated and airport closed down for weeks from the red and yellow camp protests - they just came back. Malaysia would be the same as long as the ruling government do not go towards the junta or North Korean mindset.
In fact, if the results of coming GE cause a knee jerk drop whatever the results - I would BUY. I did that in the previous 2008 GE. How about selling now and wait when the results announced to buy. we know how it would turn out?
thanks for the sharing~ really appreciate~
Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..
BN win, business as usual.
PR win, they have the opportunity to cut down the amount of money foolishly spent, improve the competitiveness of our Business Environment, revamp our education etc, lots and lots of low hanging fruits for PR to snatch. I can only see a better future.
There may be a slight possibilities either one of the losers resort to violent actions but the possibilities is really low.
Just steer clear of stock like YTL, Boustead, TWS*.* , BJ*.* and we should be able to focus on business and forget about GE.
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